



























1パラ テーマ
2パラ 良いこと
3パラ 悪いこと



By doing this, some 名詞 can2パラのイイタイコト“, such as 具体例① or 具体例②.
However, some 名詞3パラのイイタイコト“, such as 具体例③ or 具体例④.

These days, some college students share a house with roommates.
By doing this, some students can get help from their roommates with various things, such as math, science, or foreign languages.
However, some students have trouble with their roommates, such as trouble about sleeping times or cleaning the house. [49 words]
: テンプレ
オレンジ: 言いかえ表現









【英検2級リニューアル】要約のコツと絶対マネすべきテンプレート ・要約問題はいつから?・要約問題のコツは? 要約問題の対策って何すればいいの? イイタイコトを見つけることと、イイカエがポイントだよ! 本記事では必ずマネすべき...



例題① テーマ: インターネット

●解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は、 0点と採点されることがあります。 英文をよく読ん でから答えてください。

本文 [149語]

 When children use the internet, some play games, and others watch videos. There are other choices, too. These days, many use it for educational purposes, such as completing school projects or exploring documentaries. What are the reasons for this?
 Some children find websites that offer interactive lessons in subjects like math, science, and reading. Others use apps to learn languages or about different cultures, enhancing their education and broadening their horizons. This approach helps them gain knowledge in a fun and engaging way outside of traditional classroom settings.
 On the other hand, excessive internet use can negatively impact children’s sleep and study habits. This can make it difficult for them to complete homework on time or maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Additionally, some children might explore inappropriate websites. As a result, it’s crucial for parents to monitor and guide their internet use to ensure it remains safe and educational.

解答 [45語]

These days, many children use the internet for educational purposes, like school projects. By doing this, some enhance their learning and cultural awareness, such as through interactive lessons and apps. However, some face challenges like disrupted sleep and studies, such as from excessive internet use.

例題② テーマ: 電子書籍

本文 [160語]

 When people choose books, some pick paper books, and others choose e-books. There are other choices, too. These days, many prefer to download books online to read on their devices. What are the reasons for this?
 Some enjoy e-books because they can carry many books on one device, making it easy to switch between stories without carrying heavy books. Other people like e-books because they can change the text size and background color, which helps them read more comfortably. This makes reading accessible and convenient, especially for those who travel often or have limited space.
 On the other hand, some find that reading on a screen can make their eyes tired, which is uncomfortable and makes it hard to read for long periods. Some also worry about running out of battery when they are deep into a good book. As a result, they might miss out on finishing a story they love, or feel frustrated when they cannot continue reading.

解答 [54語]

These days, many people choose to download e-books because it’s easy. By doing this, some can have many books on one device, especially when they travel. However, some get tired eyes from reading a lot on screens, especially if they read for a long time, or worry about their device running out of battery.

例題③ テーマ: クレジットカード

本文 [156語]

 When people shop, some use cash, while others choose credit cards. Other methods like debit cards are also popular. These days, many opt for credit cards. What are the reasons for this?
 Some find credit cards very handy because they allow you to buy things now and pay later. Others use credit cards to get rewards such as airline miles or cash back, which can save them money. Credit cards also provide security like protection against fraud, which makes them a good choice for big purchases.
 On the other hand, credit cards can lead to financial problems. Because they are so easy to use, some people might spend more money than they have. If they don’t pay their full balance, high interest rates and fees can add up, making everything more expensive. As a result, users might end up paying much more than the item’s original price, increasing their financial stress and leading to more debt.

解答 [46語]

These days, a lot of people use credit cards because they find them convenient for shopping. By doing this, some enjoy benefits such as earning rewards and having protection against fraud. However, some face challenges like high interest rates and more debt from spending too much.

例題④ テーマ: ヨガ

本文 [144語]

 When people consider exercising, some choose running, and others prefer swimming. There are other choices, too. These days, some of them opt for yoga as their primary form of exercise. What are the reasons for this?
 Some people find yoga beneficial because it helps them relax and reduces stress. Other people choose yoga because it improves flexibility and strength without being too hard on the body. They appreciate how yoga makes them feel healthier and more balanced.
 On the other hand, some find that yoga can be slow and not as exciting as other sports like basketball or soccer. This can be discouraging for those who enjoy more dynamic activities. Some also note that yoga classes can be expensive and sometimes require special equipment like mats and blocks. As a result, they might have to spend more money and space than they initially expected.

解答 [46語]

These days, a lot of people choose yoga for better health and calmness. By doing this, some experience improvements in strength and stress relief, enjoying benefits from gentle stretches. However, some find yoga slow and boring, such as fans of fast sports, leading to their dissatisfaction.

例題⑤ テーマ: 外国人労働者

本文 [158語]

 When discussing employment in Japan, some people believe the current workforce is sufficient, while others think Japan should accept more workers from other countries. There are other choices, too. These days, many argue for increasing the number of foreign workers. What are the reasons for this?
 Some say that foreign workers bring new skills and ideas, which can help Japanese companies grow and compete globally. Others believe that as Japan’s population is aging, foreign workers are necessary to fill jobs in industries like healthcare and construction. This can help maintain the economy and support the aging population.
 On the other hand, some are concerned that increasing foreign workers may lead to challenges in integrating them into Japanese society. This can be due to cultural and language differences. Some worry that this might put pressure on community resources and change how communities work. As a result, this might cause disagreements and confusion between local people and new foreign workers.

解答 [48語]

These days, many in Japan support increasing the number of foreign workers. By doing this, industries such as healthcare gain skilled support for the aging population. However, some are concerned that this might put pressure on community resources and lead to disagreements and confusion between locals and newcomers.

例題⑥ テーマ: 博物館

本文 [149語]

 When people decide to visit museums, some pay an entrance fee, and others visit on free days. There are other choices, too. These days, many suggest that all museums should be free to everyone. What are the reasons for this?
 Some believe that free museums make art and history accessible to more people, especially those who might not afford regular prices. Others say that free entry encourages more frequent visits and increases the appreciation for culture and education in the community. This can help everyone learn more about different cultures and histories.
 On the other hand, some argue that museums need the money from tickets to operate well. This can be crucial for maintaining the exhibits and paying for staff. Some museums might struggle without this income. As a result, they might have to reduce their services or quality of exhibits, which could decrease the overall experience for visitors.

解答 [45語]

These days, many support the idea of free museum entry to increase public access to culture. By doing this, some people, such as students and low-income families, benefit from learning opportunities. However, some museums might struggle financially, such as needing funds for maintenance and staff.

例題⑦ テーマ: スポーツ

本文 [145語]

 When children engage in activities, some choose arts, and others prefer sports. There are other choices, too. These days, many argue that playing sports helps children become better people. What are the reasons for this?
 Some believe that sports teach children important life skills like teamwork and discipline. They learn to work with others and respect rules, which are valuable in all areas of life. Other people think sports help children develop confidence and persistence, especially when they practice regularly and see improvement in their abilities.
 On the other hand, some argue that sports can be too competitive. This can be stressful for children, who may feel pressure to win or perform well all the time. Some kids might face conflicts or challenges with teammates or coaches. As a result, instead of building character, sports might lead to stress or negative experiences for some children.

解答 [48語]

These days, many believe that playing sports helps children become better people. By doing this, some learn important life skills such as teamwork and discipline, and develop confidence and persistence. However, some find sports too competitive, which can cause stress and lead to negative experiences for some children.

例題⑧ テーマ: 農薬

本文 [145語]

 When farmers grow crops, some use chemicals, and others avoid them. There are other choices, too. These days, more farmers are choosing to grow fruits and vegetables without using chemicals. What are the reasons for this
 Some farmers believe that growing crops without chemicals is better for the environment. They feel it helps keep the water and soil clean. Other farmers think that fruits and vegetables grown this way are healthier for people to eat. They say these crops taste better and are safer because they don’t have harmful chemicals.
 However, some farmers find it challenging to grow crops without chemicals. This difficulty arises because it usually requires more effort to control insects and other crop threats naturally. Additionally, these farmers may produce fewer fruits and vegetables when not using chemicals. As a result, their income may decrease due to the smaller quantity of crops available for sale.

解答 [48語]

These days, more farmers are choosing to grow fruits and vegetables without using chemicals to protect the environment. By doing this, some are helping the environment and offering safer products, such as organic produce. However, some find it hard and produce fewer crops, which may lower their income.

例題⑨ テーマ: 留学

本文 [153語]

 When high school students learn foreign languages, some take classes at school, and others study online. There are other choices, too. These days, many students opt to practice with native speakers through language exchange programs. What are the reasons for this?
 Some students find that speaking with native speakers helps them learn the language faster and more naturally. Other students enjoy the cultural exchange that comes with practicing a foreign language, such as learning about different customs and lifestyles from around the world. This not only enhances their language skills but also broadens their global perspective.
 On the other hand, some students find language learning challenging and frustrating. This can be due to the difficulty of understanding native accents or expressions. Some may feel overwhelmed by the fast pace of conversation with fluent speakers. As a result, they might become discouraged and less motivated to continue learning the language, affecting their overall progress.

解答 [50語]

These days, many high school students use language exchange programs to learn languages. By doing this, some learn about different cultures and improve their skills, such as by talking with native speakers. However, some find this method hard and stressful, such as when they can’t understand fast talk or accents.

例題⑩ テーマ: 仕事

本文 [146語]

 When people work, some have one job, and others have multiple jobs. There are other choices, too. These days, many choose to work more than one job. What are the reasons for this?
 Some people take on multiple jobs to earn more money, which helps them pay for their needs and save for future goals. Others enjoy having different types of work because it keeps their days interesting and lets them learn new skills. This variety can make work more enjoyable and fulfilling, as they engage in diverse activities.
 On the other hand, some find having multiple jobs very tiring. This can make it difficult to manage time and maintain energy levels. Some people also struggle to balance work with family life, which can be stressful. As a result, they might feel overwhelmed and have less time to relax or enjoy hobbies, impacting their overall well-being.

解答 [45語]

These days, many individuals choose to work multiple jobs for various reasons. By doing this, some benefit from increased earnings and diverse experiences, such as gaining different skills. However, some face difficulties in maintaining a work-life balance, such as finding time for relaxation and family.


By doing this, some 名詞 can2パラのイイタイコト“, such as 具体例① or 具体例②.
However, some 名詞3パラのイイタイコト“, such as 具体例③ or 具体例④.









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